Every New Year I get equally excited and overwhelmed at setting goals aimed at achieving my best health. This year, I set my sights on keeping it really simple. No crazy detoxes or goals I wouldn’t meet and end up beating myself up for later. In this post, I’m excited to share my detox tools to jumpstart your health…
The idea behind this post is to give you some options to pick and choose that will help you make positive but lasting changes. By implementing one or two at a time, you will be achieving your best health! Remember, this is not something that happens overnight. It takes time and it may be something you eventually need some additional support with.
Here are some of my favorite detox tools…
Why should we even detox?
In the post below, I break down why we should detox as well as the benefits.
How the heck do I even prepare for a detox?
Check out this post on how to prep for a detox.
De-stress and detox with a detox bath.
This bath can help with symptoms like candida, brain fog, headaches, body aches, acne, fatigue, digestive distress, and more. There’s also a good chance you already have the items you need in your home for this detox bath.
Click here for the detox bath recipe.
Detox gently with 10 simple steps that will put some pep in your step.
These 10 simple steps will gently draw out toxins while building your best energy and health.
Click here for 10 simple ways to detox immediately.
Activated charcoal and detox.
Activated charcoal capsules can help reset your digestion, pull heavy metals, and can be used in your bathroom to detox and draw out toxins.
Learn how to use activated charcoal to cleanse inside and out.
Supercharge your health while gently detoxing with greens.
Greens are one of the most simple and profound ways to not only increase energy but gently remove toxins.
Click here to learn which greens are right for your gentle detox.
Juicing is a great way to boost energy and help facilitate detoxification.
If you’d like to incorporate juicing but don’t want to do a full-on juice cleanse (who could blame you), the post below is perfect for you. It teaches you how to simply incorporate juice into your life.
Click here to read the full post on how to juice + recipes
Smoothies are a great way to detox and get in filling fiber.
Smoothies are one of my favorite daily detox tools. They are filling and loaded with vitamins and nutrients. You can also do all kinds of fun smoothie add-ins to boost detox as well as your health.
Click here to get 45 + healthy smoothie recipes to jumpstart your health this New Year.
Detox your bathroom.
Y’all know I’ve been preaching this one a while now. Toxic personal care products (including makeup) are linked to a host of health issues. I can’t tell you how many people feel better and enjoy weight loss and more balanced hormones when they switch to safe products.
Learn what safe products I used to detox my bathroom (and you may like too!)
Detox and supplementation.
I believe supplements are incredibly useful in the toxic world we live in to not only fill in the nutritional gap but gently remove toxins.
Find out which supplements I recommend in this post and what I recommend for nursing HERE.
Home Detox Program
Last but not least, if you’re looking for a great home detox, Perfect Supplements has one we love.
Click here for all the details.
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Melissa Schollaert is a Holistic Health & Nutrition Counselor and founder of Real Nutritious Living. Helping others achieve their health goals to attain their healthiest, happiest life is her greatest ambition.
PAID ENDORSEMENT DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog. However, I only recommend products or services I have personally used myself and trust. MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease, or as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult with your advising physician before starting any treatment for a medical condition. Real Nutritious Living, LLC shall not be held liable or responsible for any misunderstanding or misuse of the information contained on this site or for any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by any treatment, action, or application of any food or food source discussed on this site.
I agree that toxic personal care products are a HUGE issue for toxifying the body! Love that you included it in your list of things to focus on.
So many people are unaware Alicia!
I have activated charcoal on hand for upset tummies but I didn’t even think about using to to detox! I’m off to read your link now!
Enjoy and thanks for stopping by!
Loving all these links! Great info!
Thank you Linda!
Greens greens and more GREENS! Though detox baths are nice too 😉
Haha- true story Shelby!