Safe Detox for Nursing Moms

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Detox” may be a trendy buzzword, but it’s an absolutely necessary step in your health regimen. If you ignore it, your health will suffer.
Safe detox for nursing moms
is not only important, but it can be tricky. I’m going to break down some simple steps to safely and effectively detox while breastfeeding, without draining your energy. Continue reading “Safe Detox for Nursing Moms”

Liver and PMS: How to support your liver and beat PMS


Do you have PMS symptoms that begin mid-cycle that cause PMS issues such as insomnia, bloating, moodiness, constipation, weight gain around the hips, thighs, and more? An overworked liver may be causing the PMS symptoms you’re stuck dealing with each month. In this post, I will teach you exactly how to the liver and PMS are connected and how to beat PMS once and for all… Continue reading “Liver and PMS: How to support your liver and beat PMS”

7 Ways to Detox Naturally!

Anyone who thinks detox is unimportant or bogus  — ahem, much of the conventional medical community  — is not serving you or your body. It’s plain foolish to think you can sidestep or escape the 80,000 chemicals in our environment.
Continue reading “7 Ways to Detox Naturally!”

Detox Tools to Jumpstart Your Health

Every New Year I get equally excited and overwhelmed at setting goals aimed at achieving my best health. This year, I set my sights on keeping it really simple. No crazy detoxes or goals I wouldn’t meet and end up beating myself up for later. In this post, I’m excited to share my detox tools to jumpstart your health… Continue reading “Detox Tools to Jumpstart Your Health”

How to Use Activated Charcoal

Have you ever heard of activated charcoal? Chances are you have. This Black Magic, as it is nicknamed, dates back to 1500 BC and came to fame for treating poisonings. This is only one reason it’s the ideal addition to your natural medicine cabinet. I’m excited to teach you How to Use Activated Charcoal… Continue reading “How to Use Activated Charcoal”

Detoxifying Cabbage Salad Recipe

I can’t believe how fast summer seems to be coming to an end! I always crave detoxifying foods as a season comes to a close. Before I had a baby, I would seasonally detox. Now that I am nursing, I have to be more careful and creative to detox daily. This Detoxifying Cabbage Salad Recipe is the perfect dish to pair with fish tacos, chicken Verde, or eaten alone! Continue reading “Detoxifying Cabbage Salad Recipe”

45+ Best Healthy Smoothie Recipes

I am on a smoothie kick, especially after bringing you my Top 10 Health Boosting Smoothie Add Ins last week, BUT…..truth be told, I get pretty bored with my smoothies.  I tend to fall into a rut and make the same combos over and over…and over. I’ve been thinking, if I need some #smoothieinspo, chances are you do too.

Fun fact: Bloggers are the nicest people in the world. So I reached out to some of my favorite blogger friends and asked for their favorite recipes.  I was honestly overwhelmed by their kindness and support when I asked.

Without delay, and in no particular order, here is a MEGA dose of #smoothieinspo with 45+ Best Healthy Smoothie Recipes. Continue reading “45+ Best Healthy Smoothie Recipes”

Top Ten Health Boosting Smoothie Add Ins

Superfoods seem to be all the rage.  They seem to be in every recipe on Pinterest.  (Are we friends over there? Let’s be!) It seems like there’s a new superfood product on the shelf every time I shop. But, what exactly are superfoods? There is no scientific definition of a superfood but the term usually refers to foods containing high levels of vitamins and minerals that offer many health benefits such as boosting your immune system and natural weight loss.

By consuming these superfoods on a regular basis, you are feeding your body large doses of antioxidants, polyphenols, fiber, probiotics, and high levels of omega 3 fatty acids. Superfoods also contain few calories, are low in sugar, and have lots of soluble fiber and health-boosting phytochemicals. It can be hard to sort out which may be the best to incorporate.

Here are my Top Ten Health Boosting Smoothie Add Ins… Continue reading “Top Ten Health Boosting Smoothie Add Ins”

5 Secrets I Learned as a Dental Hygienist

In honor of National Dental Health Month, I’m going to let you in on some things you probably don’t know about me. I was a dental hygienist in my former life…ok, well maybe in this life, but it feels like ages ago.

Confession time: I still keep my licenses and the geek in me thoroughly enjoys a day in the clinic from time-to-time. That said, I’ve got some sneaky secrets to share.  Continue reading “5 Secrets I Learned as a Dental Hygienist”

How I Got Pregnant the First Time I Tried (at age 36!)

Chances are you’re reading this, rolling your eyes and maybe even thinking, “Great! Someone else is pregnant!” My goal in writing this piece is not about bragging or making anyone feel bad about their personal journey to motherhood, but to share the things that worked for me and helped me get pregnant right away. It’s my hope that it will help you too. That said I hope you’ll keep reading and learn how I got pregnant the first time I tried. Continue reading “How I Got Pregnant the First Time I Tried (at age 36!)”