How to Make and Use Elderberry Syrup

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Last week, I brought you the health benefits of elderberry. This week, as promised, I wanted to bring you the first simple DIY elderberry recipe to save you money and boost your health and wellness. Read on and learn how to make and use elderberry syrup at home… Continue reading “How to Make and Use Elderberry Syrup”

Elderberry Benefits & Immune-Boosting Recipes

Cold and flu season has officially arrived. It’s the time of the year where it seems everyone is sick. I’m definitely still recommending my top tips to recover from a cold quickly, but this year, my family has been using something new and different that I think you’ll love. Read on to learn about elderberry benefits in this 3-part DIY health-boosting series… Continue reading “Elderberry Benefits & Immune-Boosting Recipes”

How to Use Activated Charcoal

Have you ever heard of activated charcoal? Chances are you have. This Black Magic, as it is nicknamed, dates back to 1500 BC and came to fame for treating poisonings. This is only one reason it’s the ideal addition to your natural medicine cabinet. I’m excited to teach you How to Use Activated Charcoal… Continue reading “How to Use Activated Charcoal”

How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Naturally

If you’ve been following along with #RNL for awhile, you know that this year brought some serious change with baby #1. This change included some serious come to Jesus moments with regard to my skin, which led to really stepping up my natural skincare routine and learning how to get rid of dark circles. Continue reading “How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Naturally”

How I Got Pregnant the First Time I Tried (at age 36!)

Chances are you’re reading this, rolling your eyes and maybe even thinking, “Great! Someone else is pregnant!” My goal in writing this piece is not about bragging or making anyone feel bad about their personal journey to motherhood, but to share the things that worked for me and helped me get pregnant right away. It’s my hope that it will help you too. That said I hope you’ll keep reading and learn how I got pregnant the first time I tried. Continue reading “How I Got Pregnant the First Time I Tried (at age 36!)”

RNL Cleanse

The body is a sacred temple, the house of your spirit and life energy. If our physical body not up to speed, we’re more likely to be tired, holding onto extra weight and not be living to our full potential. Daily life can feel like a chore because we just don’t feel good and because our body systems are full of junk or blocked. Just as we take our cars to the shop to clean the engine and get a tune-up, so do our bodies need to be cleaned and tuned-up. Continue reading “RNL Cleanse”

10 Ways to Detox Immediately

We’ve spent the past few weeks talking about detoxification, it’s importance and some simple steps you can take today to start cleaning up your system. Today we’ll continue our spring cleaning series with 10 Ways to Detox Immediately. Continue reading “10 Ways to Detox Immediately”

5 Quick Tips to Improve Oral Health Naturally

February marks National Dental Health month and the dental hygiene nerd in me gets so excited to give you tips to improve your oral health naturally. For those of you who don’t know, I am a registered dental hygienist who still practices when RNL gives me a bit of time.  Continue reading “5 Quick Tips to Improve Oral Health Naturally”

Top 5 Tips to Recover from a Cold

We’ve all been there. You go to bed with a tinge of a sore throat and wake up with a nasty full-blown cold. That’s what happened to me this week. Actually, I’m typing this in bed because I’ve received so many texts and emails from sick folks 🙁 So here are my top tips to recover from a cold.  Continue reading “Top 5 Tips to Recover from a Cold”