5 Secrets I Learned at Kombucha Kamp + Bonus Recipe

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Kombucha. Ahhh, it’s like a fizzy summer hug in a cup. And that’s what today’s post is all about friends. Hannah Crum of Kombucha Kamp was a fabulous expert on the Master Your Metabolism Summit in June and discussed kombucha uses and benefits. Hannah has even had the term “the kombucha mamma” coined after her because she is the kombucha guru.

I recently had the pleasure of spending a Saturday afternoon with Hannah and crew at kamp learning some really cool uses and benefits of kombucha I never knew.  Keep reading for all the details and a free bonus recipe. 

1. SCOBY = Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria & Yeast

I know, I know…I thought it was a Scooby Doo reference too! But check out the cool stuff you can make with your Scoby’s!

Scoby Snacksimage

The earrings were really pretty and the scoby snacks tasted like fruit roll-ups (or what as a kid I remember them to taste like!).

2. Kombucha may help with gray hair

What!!?? So I did some digging on this and found several wellness blogs with some really interesting feedback. What I found most often was people reporting getting no more gray’s after consuming kombucha for some length of time.  On a side note, there aren’t any studies linking gray hair to pathology; however, Chinese Medicine notes gray may be an indicator of an energy imbalance,  or the need to strengthen the kidneys and blood.  In Ayurveda, hair is associated with an imbalance in the pitta constitutional type. An imbalance in the vata constitutional type, aggravated by stress, is also associated with premature graying. It’s also possible gray is a result of a thyroid disorder or B12 deficiency.

Here’s one gray testimonial from Hannah’s site: “I used to dye my hair but quit because of the chemicals. In the past year, my hair has been growing in as my natural dark brown where it was silver before. The only real difference has been the Kombucha I drink every morning and night, but it took almost a year of drinking it daily to notice the change, so I say people need to stick with it. It has to be a regular part of daily life to see results I think.” – Hailey Brown

3. PMS relief 

How? PMS is often linked to nutritional deficiencies. Kombucha is loaded with B vitamins which help break down and flush out excess estrogen from the body (a condition called estrogen dominance). This can help to reduce PMS symptoms.

4. Relief of headaches and migraines 

Often times headaches are linked to dehydration. And one of the best things about kombucha tea is that it is bubbly, delicious, and extremely hydrating.  It very adequately replaces all the sports drinks and sodas that everyone seems addicted to today. This alone may quell headaches. It’s a great soda substitute and wonderful for folks who aren’t into hydrating with water. As Hannah pointed out, drinking water is a newer phenomenon and there was a time when clean water was an issue and many people had to hydrate by means other than water. Many practitioners like the Gerson Method and Matt Stone promote hydration by means other than water as well.

hannah mel 2

5. Kombucha beautifies skin 

All you have to do is look at Hannah for this one. Her skin is lovely, like a walking kombucha billboard. Kombucha is linked to eczema and acne relief as well as a reduction in wrinkles. It’s noted that kombucha used topically as well as ingested provide are synergistic  and provide better results

Thanks, Hannah, for the fun Saturday. Your wealth of wisdom and all of the delicious samples!

Bonus Recipe:

kombucha cocktail

Kombucha Cocktail


  • 1 shot vodka + kombucha to taste (your favorite flavor- but I recommend grape)


  1. Serve in a fun glass with ice and enjoy!

Click here for your FREE e-book from Hannah and to learn more about kombucha health benefits, how to brew, or enroll in kamp.

If you live in the Los Angeles area, check out the Kombucha Kamp Workshop schedule here.

I want to hear from YOU!! Do you drink kombucha?? Have you experienced some health benefit? Please comment below!

Melissa Schollaert is a Holistic Health & Nutrition Counselor and founder of Real Nutritious Living. Helping others achieve their health goals to attain their healthiest, happiest life is her greatest ambition.

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MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease, or as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult with your advising physician before starting any treatment for a medical condition. Real Nutritious Living, LLC shall not be held liable or responsible for any misunderstanding or misuse of the information contained on this site or for any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by any treatment, action, or application of any food or food source discussed in this site.

Author: Melissa Schollaert

I'm Melissa—Holistic Health Coach & loving mama. My passion is to help others thrive through strategic eating (not dieting), living a toxic free life & creating healthier families.

2 thoughts on “5 Secrets I Learned at Kombucha Kamp + Bonus Recipe”

  1. Melissa, my boys, husband and I are seriously addicted to Kombucha. I’m so glad you posted this since I’ve been wanting to learn how to make my own Kombucha.

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