What’s all the coconut oil hype???

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Coconut oil is linked to reducing Alzheimer’s effects, is very sustainable at high heat, and tastes delicious. Continue reading “What’s all the coconut oil hype???”

What’s the BIG Deal with Organic and Why Should I Spend My Hard Earned Money on it?????

 Enter any grocery store or market and organic food, particularly produce, looks exactly the same as conventional, but costs more.  What’s the point? Is it all a crafty sales technique?  You are not alone.  I used to wonder the same thing.  Here’s the deal. Continue reading “What’s the BIG Deal with Organic and Why Should I Spend My Hard Earned Money on it?????”

Root Veggie Love and Parsnip Mashers

Cravings for sweets can be greatly reduced by adding sweet vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, yams, parsnips, beets, squash, turnips and rutabagas to your daily diet. Continue reading “Root Veggie Love and Parsnip Mashers”

Why You Should Be Eating Chocolate and Enjoying It

I love chocolate. Who doesn’t? But do you ever find that little voice in your head filling you with guilt and trying to talk you out of that heavenly chocolate indulgence? Well fret no more friends, below are clear health reasons to indulge, as well as some guidelines to keep it in check!

Continue reading “Why You Should Be Eating Chocolate and Enjoying It”

What Health Health Means to Me…..

Authenticity and health are both very near and dear to my heart, so what I want to share with you is my story and what health means to me, as authentically as I possibly can.  Authentic is literally my favorite word (just ask my besties, they’ll tell ya!)

Continue reading “What Health Health Means to Me…..”