CBD Oil Pulling Chews Recipe

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If you’re looking for natural ways to improve your oral health, this CBD Oil Pulling Chews Recipe is for you. Use these easy to make oil pulling chews to freshen breath, whiten teeth, improve gum health and even prevent decay.
Continue reading “CBD Oil Pulling Chews Recipe”

Safe Detox for Nursing Moms

Detox” may be a trendy buzzword, but it’s an absolutely necessary step in your health regimen. If you ignore it, your health will suffer.
Safe detox for nursing moms
is not only important, but it can be tricky. I’m going to break down some simple steps to safely and effectively detox while breastfeeding, without draining your energy. Continue reading “Safe Detox for Nursing Moms”

5 Quick Tips to Improve Oral Health Naturally

February marks National Dental Health month and the dental hygiene nerd in me gets so excited to give you tips to improve your oral health naturally. For those of you who don’t know, I am a registered dental hygienist who still practices when RNL gives me a bit of time.  Continue reading “5 Quick Tips to Improve Oral Health Naturally”

Oil Pulling

Uh, OK, I thought this was a health and nutrition blog, so what the heck is oil pulling?? Well it happens to be one of newest emerging (although  it is ancient) detox techniques. I would LOVE it if you’d join me on a two week oil pulling challenge!  Continue reading “Oil Pulling”